I feel very privileged to have my work highlighted by leading companies in the market. A great sign that I'm on the right path in my career, here are some of them:
Awards & Recognitions
In less than two years, I've won some great awards. They weren't my primary goal, but I'm grateful to have received them and I'm very proud of each of them.
- VICTOR WORK 19"Featured PickMuzli2019
- VICTOR WORK 19"AwwwardsHonorable Mention2019
- VICTOR WORK 19"Developer AwardAwwwards2019
- VICTOR WORK 19"Site of the DayAwwwards2019
- RODRIGO MARCONATTOFeatured PickMuzli2019
- RODRIGO MARCONATTOHonorable MentionAwwwards2019
- RODRIGO MARCONATTOMobile ExcelenceAwwwards2019
- VICTOR WORK 20"Honorable MentionAwwwards2020
- VICTOR WORK 20"Mobile ExcelenceAwwwards2020
- VICTOR WORK 20"Developer AwardAwwwards2020
- VICTOR WORK 20"Site of the DayAwwwards2020
- KÄTHE MEMORIALFeatured PickMuzli2020
- KÄTHE MEMORIALInteractionBehance2020
- KÄTHE MEMORIALHonorable MentionAwwwards2020
- KÄTHE MEMORIALDeveloper AwardAwwwards2020
- KÄTHE MEMORIALSite of the DayAwwwards2020
- KÄTHE MEMORIALSite of the DayFWA2020
- BORED OF AUTHORITYHonorable MentionAwwwards2020
- BORED OF AUTHORITYWesite of the DayCSSD Awards2020
- MAGGIE ROSEFeatured PickMuzli2020
- MAGGIE ROSEHonorable MentionAwwwards2020
- MAGGIE ROSEMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2020
- MAGGIE ROSEDeveloper AwardAwwwards2020
- MAGGIE ROSESite of the DayAwwwards2020
- IMPERMANENCEHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- IMPERMANENCEMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- IMPERMANENCEDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- IMPERMANENCEMobile of the WeekAwwwards2021
- IMPERMANENCESite of the DayAwwwards2021
- GAROA SKINCAREHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- GAROA SKINCAREMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- GAROA SKINCAREDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- GAROA SKINCARESite of the DayAwwwards2021
- GAROA SKINCARESite of the DayTypeWolf2021
- INTERIORLABHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- INTERIORLABMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- INTERIORLABDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- INTERIORLABWebsite of the DayCSS Design Awards2021
- INTERIORLABSite of the DayFWA2021
- INTERIORLABSite of the DayAwwwards2021
- BULLETPROOFHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- BULLETPROOFMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- BULLETPROOFDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- BULLETPROOFWebsite of the DayCSS Design Awards2021
- BULLETPROOFSite of the DayAwwwards2021
- AMUSE BOUCHEHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- AMUSE BOUCHEMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- AMUSE BOUCHEDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- AMUSE BOUCHEWebsite of the DayCSS Design Awards2021
- AMUSE BOUCHESite of the DayFWA2021
- AMUSE BOUCHESite of the DayAwwwards2021
- LEMKUSHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- LEMKUSMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- LEMKUSDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- LEMKUSWebsite of the DayCSS Design Awards2021
- LEMKUSSite of the DayFWA2021
- LEMKUSSite of the DayAwwwards2021
- E-COMMERCE OF THE YEARNominee (2022)Awwwards2022
- DEVELOPER OF THE YEARNominee (2022)Awwwards2022
- INDEPENDENT OF THE YEARNominee (2022)Awwwards2022
- SOL’ACE STOREHonorable MentionAwwwards2021
- SOL’ACE STOREMobile ExcellenceAwwwards2021
- SOL’ACE STOREDeveloper AwardAwwwards2021
- SOL’ACE STORESite of the DayAwwwards2021
- VICTOR WORK 22"Honorable MentionAwwwards2022
- VICTOR WORK 22"Developer AwardAwwwards2022
- SOL’ACE STORESite of the DayTypeWolf2021
- VICTOR WORK 22"Site of the DayAwwwards2022
- MOBILE SITE OF THE YEARNomination 21'Awwwards2022
- E-COMMERCE OF THE YEARNomination 21'Awwwards2022
- DESIGNER OF THE YEAR 2021Special KudosCSS Design Awards2022
- Unleashing your bestHonorable MentionAwwwards2022
- Unleashing your bestDeveloper AwardAwwwards2022
- Unleashing your bestSite of the DayFWA2022
- Unleashing your bestSite of the DayAwwwards2022
- Unleashing your bestSite of the MonthAwwwards2022
- SITE OF THE YEARNomination 22'Awwwards2023
- DEVELOPER OF THE YEARNomination 22'Awwwards2023
- INDEPENDENT OF THE YEARNomination 22'Awwwards2023
- ContraBureau™Honorable MentionAwwwards2023
- ContraBureau™Developer AwardAwwwards2023
- ContraBureau™Site of the DayAwwwards2023
- VICTOR WORK 22"People's Voice WinnerThe Webby Awards2023
Mentions & Press
Recently, I've been highlighted in digital industry media. I had the opportunity to contribute with interviews, case studies, and articles, and I have been mentioned.
- Case Study: Maggie RoseWebpick / CommArts
- Case Study: ImpermanenceWebpick / CommArts
- Featured: Garoa SkincareVisuelle UK
- UI Interactions & Animations #17Codrops
- Inspirational Websites #27Codrops
- UI Interactions of the week #286Muzli / Medium
- Case Study: Kathe Kollwitz MemorialAwwwards
- Website Site DescontructionAwwwards / Youtube
- 12 Inspirational Web Designer and Developer PortfoliosMuzli / Qoode Magazine
- Case Study: Sol'ace StoreAwwwards